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Contains 7 essential vitamins and 11 vital minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio

Convital is a highly concentrated, palatable supplement which contains 7 essential vitamins and 11 vital minerals and trace elements in a balanced ratio specifically formulated for horses in training. It is recognised worldwide as an essential element in the dietary requirements of racing horses.


  • Syrup-based racing formula containing multivitamins, minerals and trace elements
  • Can be administered in feed
  • Ideal for both for racing & performance animals
  • Durable, easy handle pack
  • One pack contains 75-150 doses

Convital has been specially formulated with scientifically balanced vitamins and minerals to maintain the horse’s strength and vigour and to lay the foundations to ensure the best performance of which they are capable.

An inadequate diet will lead to deficiency diseases and disturb the horse’s metabolism. This increases the animal’s susceptibility to injury and lowers resistance to disease and illness. Because of the tremendous exertion the horse undergoes and the high degree of co-ordination required between the nervous system and the muscles, it’s easy to appreciate why the energy needs of the exercising horse are so great.

Available Pack Sizes

List No. Unit
1CON010 4.5L


Use Medicines Responsibly -
See for information on our full range of animal health products and veterinary pharmaceuticals.
Prescription decisions are for the prescriber only.

For full product information, including contra-indications, see the data sheet, or see the SPC which can be found on the VMD website

Contact Us - UK

Bimeda UK
Unit 2, Bryn Cefni Industrial Park,
Llangefni, Anglesey, Wales LL77 7XA
Phone: +44 (0) 1248 725400